For the contact us or contact us section, you can use this beautiful effect for the comment or critique button. This button is made with the help of CSS and JavaScript. By clicking on this button, the button turns into a paper airplane and is thrown, and then the phrase "sent" is written instead of the button.
<!-- This script got from -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel='stylesheet' href=',500,600,700&display=swap'>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=''></script>
<button class="button">
<span class="default">Send</span>
<span class="success">Sent</span>
<div class="left"></div>
<div class="right"></div>
</button><div id="bcl"><a style="font-size:8pt;text-decoration:none;" href="">Developers Answer</a></div>
.button {
--primary: #275EFE;
--primary-dark: #2055EE;
--primary-darkest: #133FC0;
--text: #FFFFFF;
--text-opacity: 1;
--success: #2B3044;
--success-scale: .2;
--success-opacity: 0;
--border-radius: 7;
--overflow: hidden;
--rotate: 0;
--plane-x: 0;
--plane-y: 0;
--plane-opacity: 1;
--left-wing-background: var(--primary);
--left-wing-first-x: 0;
--left-wing-first-y: 0;
--left-wing-second-x: 50;
--left-wing-second-y: 0;
--left-wing-third-x: 0;
--left-wing-third-y: 100;
--left-body-background: var(--primary);
--left-body-first-x: 50;
--left-body-first-y: 0;
--left-body-second-x: 50;
--left-body-second-y: 100;
--left-body-third-x: 0;
--left-body-third-y: 100;
--right-wing-background: var(--primary);
--right-wing-first-x: 50;
--right-wing-first-y: 0;
--right-wing-second-x: 100;
--right-wing-second-y: 0;
--right-wing-third-x: 100;
--right-wing-third-y: 100;
--right-body-background: var(--primary);
--right-body-first-x: 50;
--right-body-first-y: 0;
--right-body-second-x: 50;
--right-body-second-y: 100;
--right-body-third-x: 100;
--right-body-third-y: 100;
display: block;
cursor: pointer;
position: relative;
border: 0;
padding: 8px 0;
min-width: 100px;
text-align: center;
margin: 0;
line-height: 24px;
font-family: inherit;
font-weight: 500;
font-size: 14px;
background: none;
outline: none;
color: var(--text);
transform: rotate(calc(var(--rotate) * 1deg)) translateZ(0);
-webkit-appearance: none;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
.button .left, .button .right {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
opacity: var(--plane-opacity);
transform: translate(calc(var(--plane-x) * 1px), calc(var(--plane-y) * 1px)) translateZ(0);
.button .left:before, .button .left:after, .button .right:before, .button .right:after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
border-radius: calc(var(--border-radius) * 1px);
transform: translate(var(--x, 0.4%), var(--y, 0)) translateZ(0);
z-index: var(--z-index, 2);
background: var(--background, var(--left-wing-background));
-webkit-clip-path: polygon(calc(var(--first-x, var(--left-wing-first-x)) * 1%) calc(var(--first-y, var(--left-wing-first-y)) * 1%), calc(var(--second-x, var(--left-wing-second-x)) * 1%) calc(var(--second-y, var(--left-wing-second-y)) * 1%), calc(var(--third-x, var(--left-wing-third-x)) * 1%) calc(var(--third-y, var(--left-wing-third-y)) * 1%));
clip-path: polygon(calc(var(--first-x, var(--left-wing-first-x)) * 1%) calc(var(--first-y, var(--left-wing-first-y)) * 1%), calc(var(--second-x, var(--left-wing-second-x)) * 1%) calc(var(--second-y, var(--left-wing-second-y)) * 1%), calc(var(--third-x, var(--left-wing-third-x)) * 1%) calc(var(--third-y, var(--left-wing-third-y)) * 1%));
.button .left:after {
--x: 0;
--z-index: 1;
--background: var(--left-body-background);
--first-x: var(--left-body-first-x);
--first-y: var(--left-body-first-y);
--second-x: var(--left-body-second-x);
--second-y: var(--left-body-second-y);
--third-x: var(--left-body-third-x);
--third-y: var(--left-body-third-y);
.button .right:before {
--x: -.4%;
--z-index: 2;
--background: var(--right-wing-background);
--first-x: var(--right-wing-first-x);
--first-y: var(--right-wing-first-y);
--second-x: var(--right-wing-second-x);
--second-y: var(--right-wing-second-y);
--third-x: var(--right-wing-third-x);
--third-y: var(--right-wing-third-y);
.button .right:after {
--x: 0;
--z-index: 1;
--background: var(--right-body-background);
--first-x: var(--right-body-first-x);
--first-y: var(--right-body-first-y);
--second-x: var(--right-body-second-x);
--second-y: var(--right-body-second-y);
--third-x: var(--right-body-third-x);
--third-y: var(--right-body-third-y);
.button span {
display: block;
position: relative;
z-index: 4;
opacity: var(--text-opacity);
.button span.success {
z-index: 0;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 8px;
transform: rotate(calc(var(--rotate) * -1deg)) scale(var(--success-scale)) translateZ(0);
opacity: var(--success-opacity);
color: var(--success);
html {
box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
* {
box-sizing: inherit;
*:before, *:after {
box-sizing: inherit;
body {
min-height: 100vh;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
font-family: "Inter", Arial;
background: #E1E6F9;
body .dribbble {
position: fixed;
display: block;
right: 20px;
bottom: 20px;
body .dribbble img {
display: block;
height: 28px;
body .twitter {
position: fixed;
display: block;
right: 64px;
bottom: 14px;
body .twitter svg {
width: 32px;
height: 32px;
fill: #1da1f2;
document.querySelectorAll('.button').forEach(button => {
let getVar = variable => getComputedStyle(button).getPropertyValue(variable);
button.addEventListener('click', e => {
if (!button.classList.contains('active')) {
button.classList.add('active');, {
keyframes: [{
'--left-wing-first-x': 50,
'--left-wing-first-y': 100,
'--right-wing-second-x': 50,
'--right-wing-second-y': 100,
duration: .2,
onComplete() {
gsap.set(button, {
'--left-wing-first-y': 0,
'--left-wing-second-x': 40,
'--left-wing-second-y': 100,
'--left-wing-third-x': 0,
'--left-wing-third-y': 100,
'--left-body-third-x': 40,
'--right-wing-first-x': 50,
'--right-wing-first-y': 0,
'--right-wing-second-x': 60,
'--right-wing-second-y': 100,
'--right-wing-third-x': 100,
'--right-wing-third-y': 100,
'--right-body-third-x': 60
}, {
'--left-wing-third-x': 20,
'--left-wing-third-y': 90,
'--left-wing-second-y': 90,
'--left-body-third-y': 90,
'--right-wing-third-x': 80,
'--right-wing-third-y': 90,
'--right-body-third-y': 90,
'--right-wing-second-y': 90,
duration: .2
}, {
'--rotate': 50,
'--left-wing-third-y': 95,
'--left-wing-third-x': 27,
'--right-body-third-x': 45,
'--right-wing-second-x': 45,
'--right-wing-third-x': 60,
'--right-wing-third-y': 83,
duration: .25
}, {
'--rotate': 55,
'--plane-x': -8,
'--plane-y': 24,
duration: .2
}, {
'--rotate': 40,
'--plane-x': 45,
'--plane-y': -180,
'--plane-opacity': 0,
duration: .3,
onComplete() {
setTimeout(() => {
gsap.fromTo(button, {
opacity: 0,
y: -8
}, {
opacity: 1,
y: 0,
clearProps: true,
duration: .3,
onComplete() {
}, 2000)
}), {
keyframes: [{
'--text-opacity': 0,
'--border-radius': 0,
'--left-wing-background': getVar('--primary-darkest'),
'--right-wing-background': getVar('--primary-darkest'),
duration: .1
}, {
'--left-wing-background': getVar('--primary'),
'--right-wing-background': getVar('--primary'),
duration: .1
}, {
'--left-body-background': getVar('--primary-dark'),
'--right-body-background': getVar('--primary-darkest'),
duration: .4
}, {
'--success-opacity': 1,
'--success-scale': 1,
duration: .25,
delay: .25