Using a colored item on a black background will make the user pay more attention to your website. In this post, these codes are provided along with items to display the price of each panel. This panel has colored headers. The title of each panel is white. The items of the panels are black and the icon of the items is red and green. Each panel also has a gray button.
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<div class="container">
<div class="card card-1">
<p>Suitable for beginners</p>
<li class="aval">2GB storage</li>
<li class="aval">10 accounts</li>
<li class="aval">50GB Bandwidth</li>
<li class="unaval">24/7 support</li>
<button class="select">Choose this plan</button>
<div class="card card-2 hot-badge">
<p>Suitable for freelancers</p>
<li class="aval">20GB storage</li>
<li class="aval">20 accounts</li>
<li class="aval">500GB Bandwidth</li>
<li class="unaval">24/7 support</li>
<button class="select">Choose this plan</button>
<div class="card card-3">
<p>Suitable for businesses</p>
<li class="aval">100GB storage</li>
<li class="aval">100 accounts</li>
<li class="aval">500GB Bandwidth</li>
<li class="aval">24/7 support</li>
<button class="select">Choose this plan</button>
</div><div id="bcl"><a style="font-size:8pt;text-decoration:none;" href="">Developers Answer</a></div>
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