Below is a beautiful pop-up code in which each headline is inside a circle with a colored radius, and when we go over each one, each one has a slightly larger margin around it in hover mode, in other words, the radius of the colored circle around each text. Increases and by clicking on each text title, the surrounding circular radius increases to the extent that it takes up the entire page and the full text is displayed.

<!-- This script got from -->
<section class="article">
  <article class="article__panel article__panel_blue" id="article-blue">
    <div class="article__body">
      <div class="article__container">
        <header class="article__header">
          <h2>The Mountains</h2>
          <a role="button" href="#0" class="back-link">close</a>
        <p>Bacon ipsum dolor amet jerky pig turducken pork belly, ham pork bresaola spare ribs short loin pork chop cupim. Venison tongue biltong ham hock t-bone cow tenderloin brisket, kevin short loin. Chuck jerky capicola pastrami short loin sausage kielbasa frankfurter pancetta tri-tip beef pork loin drumstick. Short loin burgdoggen fatback, ball tip bresaola capicola tri-tip beef sausage picanha venison. Biltong shoulder corned beef pork belly frankfurter.
        <p>Bacon ipsum dolor amet jerky pig turducken pork belly, ham pork bresaola spare ribs short loin pork chop cupim. Venison tongue biltong ham hock t-bone cow tenderloin brisket, kevin short loin. Chuck jerky capicola pastrami short loin sausage kielbasa frankfurter pancetta tri-tip beef pork loin drumstick. Short loin burgdoggen fatback, ball tip bresaola capicola tri-tip beef sausage picanha venison. Biltong shoulder corned beef pork belly frankfurter.
  <a role="button" class="article__pointer article__pointer_blue" href="#article-blue">
    <span class="article__layer article__layer_blue" role="presentation"></span>
    The Mountains
<section class="article">
  <article class="article__panel article__panel_red" id="article-red">
    <div class="article__body">
      <div class="article__container">
        <header class="article__header">
          <h2>City Trips</h2>
          <a role="button" href="#0" class="back-link">close</a>
        <p>Bacon ipsum dolor amet jerky pig turducken pork belly, ham pork bresaola spare ribs short loin pork chop cupim. Venison tongue biltong ham hock t-bone cow tenderloin brisket, kevin short loin. Chuck jerky capicola pastrami short loin sausage kielbasa frankfurter pancetta tri-tip beef pork loin drumstick. Short loin burgdoggen fatback, ball tip bresaola capicola tri-tip beef sausage picanha venison. Biltong shoulder corned beef pork belly frankfurter.
  <a role="button" class="article__pointer article__pointer_red" href="#article-red">
  <span class="article__layer article__layer_red" role="presentation"></span>
    City Trips
<section class="article">
  <article class="article__panel article__panel_yellow" id="article-yellow">
    <div class="article__body">
      <div class="article__container">
        <header class="article__header">
          <h2>Foggy Highlands</h2>
          <a role="button" href="#0" class="back-link">close</a>
        <p>Venison tongue biltong ham hock t-bone cow tenderloin brisket, kevin short loin. Chuck jerky capicola pastrami short loin sausage kielbasa frankfurter pancetta tri-tip beef pork loin drumstick. Short loin burgdoggen fatback, ball tip bresaola capicola tri-tip beef sausage picanha venison. Biltong shoulder corned beef pork belly frankfurter.
        <p>Bacon ipsum dolor amet jerky pig turducken pork belly, ham pork bresaola spare ribs short loin pork chop cupim. Venison tongue biltong ham hock t-bone cow tenderloin brisket, kevin short loin. Chuck jerky capicola pastrami short loin sausage kielbasa frankfurter pancetta tri-tip beef pork loin drumstick. Short loin burgdoggen fatback, ball tip bresaola capicola tri-tip beef sausage picanha venison. Biltong shoulder corned beef pork belly frankfurter.
        <p>Bacon ipsum dolor amet jerky pig turducken pork belly, ham pork bresaola spare ribs short loin pork chop cupim. Venison tongue biltong ham hock t-bone cow tenderloin brisket, kevin short loin.
  <a role="button" class="article__pointer article__pointer_yellow" href="#article-yellow">
    <span class="article__layer article__layer_yellow" role="presentation"></span>
    Foggy Highlands
<script src=''></script><div id="bcl"><a style="font-size:8pt;text-decoration:none;" href="">Developers Answer</a></div>

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