Using effect buttons on the website will make your website visitors feel better about working with the website and the buttons. All of these buttons have a hover effect. Some buttons change color during hover. Some of them include shadows. Some buttons become colorless and only the border and the title of the button are specified. Some buttons rotate in 3D. Some of them also have a light effect.

<!-- This script got from -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="frame">
  <button class="custom-btn btn-1">Read More</button>
  <button class="custom-btn btn-2">Read More</button>
  <button class="custom-btn btn-3"><span>Read More</span></button>
  <button class="custom-btn btn-4"><span>Read More</span></button>
  <button class="custom-btn btn-5"><span>Read More</span></button>
  <button class="custom-btn btn-6"><span>Read More</span></button>
  <button class="custom-btn btn-7"><span>Read More</span></button>
  <button class="custom-btn btn-8"><span>Read More</span></button>
  <button class="custom-btn btn-9">Read More</button>
  <button class="custom-btn btn-10">Read More</button>
  <button class="custom-btn btn-11">Read More<div class="dot"></div></button>
  <button class="custom-btn btn-12"><span>Click!</span><span>Read More</span></button>
  <button class="custom-btn btn-13">Read More</button>
  <button class="custom-btn btn-14">Read More</button>
  <button class="custom-btn btn-15">Read More</button>
  <button class="custom-btn btn-16">Read More</button>
</div><div id="bcl"><a style="font-size:8pt;text-decoration:none;" href="">Developers Answer</a></div>

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.btn-11:active {
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