Pricing tables, and in fact all of the elements in a web page, should be responsive. Therefore, you will be sure that all devices can view them correctly. Despite the fact that the following pricing table is responsive and adaptive, it has many effects such as zooming for each plan and moving for the buttons.

<!-- This script got from -->
<div class="pricingTable">
<ul class="pricingTable-firstTable">
<li class="pricingTable-firstTable_table">
<h1 class="pricingTable-firstTable_table__header">Bronze Packege</h1>
<p class="pricingTable-firstTable_table__pricing"><span>$</span><span>10</span><span>Month</span></p>
<ul class="pricingTable-firstTable_table__options">
<li>Unlimited Listing</li>
<li>Edit Your Listing</li>
<li>Approve Reviews</li>
<div class="pricingTable-firstTable_table__getstart">Get Started Now</div>
</li><li class="pricingTable-firstTable_table">
<h1 class="pricingTable-firstTable_table__header">Gold Packege</h1>
<p class="pricingTable-firstTable_table__pricing"><span>$</span><span>19</span><span>Month</span></p>
<ul class="pricingTable-firstTable_table__options">
<li>Unlimited Listing</li>
<li>Edit Your Listing</li>
<li>Approve Reviews</li>
<li>Take Booking Online</li>
<li>24/7 Support Service</li>
<div class="pricingTable-firstTable_table__getstart">Get Started Now</div>
</li><li class="pricingTable-firstTable_table">
<h1 class="pricingTable-firstTable_table__header">Platinum Packege</h1>
<p class="pricingTable-firstTable_table__pricing"><span>$</span><span>49</span><span>Month</span></p>
<ul class="pricingTable-firstTable_table__options">
<li>Unlimited Listing</li>
<li>Edit Your Listing</li>
<li>Approve Reviews</li>
<div class="pricingTable-firstTable_table__getstart">Get Started Now</div>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"><div id="bcl"><a style="font-size:8pt;text-decoration:none;" href="">Developers Answer</a></div>

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