Sometimes it is essential to break the common rules to look different. In the case of sliders, you can do it by this rotating slider. It comprises of six slides, three with images and three without any images, containing only texts. It is also possible to add texts to the slides as it is shown in the demo. Start being different.

<!-- This script got from -->
<div class="rotate-slider">
  <ul class="slides">
	  <div class="inner">
		<h2>Simple but Impressive!</h2>
		<p>Built with math and dedication.</p>
	  <div class="inner"></div>
	  <div class="inner">
		<h2>Hates Common Sliders?</h2>
		<p>Use Rotating slider to look different!</p>
	  <div class="inner">
	  <div class="inner">
		<h2>Rotating Slider!</h2>
		<p>Just add list elements in the HTML and set a height and width in the JavaScript Settings</p>
		<p><small>Slider controls everything for you.</small></p>
	  <div class="inner">
		<h2>Write on Images!</h2>
		<p>Put your message on the images as well.</p>
		<clipPath id="slideClip">
		<path />
 <script src=''></script><div id="bcl"><a style="font-size:8pt;text-decoration:none;" href="">Developers Answer</a></div>

@import url(,700);
	max-height: 360px;
	background: #333;
	font-family: 'Roboto Slab', sans-serif;
	font-weight: 300;
	overflow: hidden;
	margin: 5em auto;
	height: 360px;
	/* overflow: hidden; */
	width: 480px;
.rotate-slider ul.slides{
	height: 100%;
	margin: 0;
	overflow: hidden;
	padding: 0;
	position: relative;
		top: 0;
		left: 50%;
	-ms-transform-origin: center center;
	transform-origin: center center;
	width: 100%;
.rotate-slider ul.slides.animate{
	-webkit-transition: all 0.75s ease-in-out;
	transition: all 0.75s ease-in-out;
.rotate-slider ul.slides li{
	background-position: center;
	background-size: cover;
	display: block;
	color: #fff;
	list-style: none;
	position: absolute;
		top: 0;
		left: 50%;
	text-align: center;
	-ms-transform-origin: bottom center;
	transform-origin: bottom center;
	width: 100%;
.rotate-slider ul.slides li:nth-of-type(1){background: #3498db;}
.rotate-slider ul.slides li:nth-of-type(2){background: url('');}
.rotate-slider ul.slides li:nth-of-type(3){background: #e74c3c;}
.rotate-slider ul.slides li:nth-of-type(4){background: url('');}
.rotate-slider ul.slides li:nth-of-type(5){background: #f1c40f;}
.rotate-slider ul.slides li:nth-of-type(6){background: url(;}
.rotate-slider ul.slides li .inner{
	box-sizing: border-box;
	padding: 2em;
	height: 100%;
	width: 100%;
		/* Radians to Degrees:  x * Math.PI/180; */
	/* Settings */
	var rotateSlider = {
	  slideHeight : 360,
	  slideWidth : 480,
	/* Do Math and set properties */
	rotateSlider.slideCount = $('.rotate-slider .slides li').length;
	rotateSlider.slideAngle = 360 / $('.rotate-slider .slides li').length;
	rotateSlider.sliderElement = $('.rotate-slider');
	rotateSlider.slides = $('.rotate-slider .slides li');
	rotateSlider.slidesContainer = $('.rotate-slider .slides');
	rotateSlider.slideAngle = 360 / rotateSlider.slideCount;
	rotateSlider.halfAngleRad = rotateSlider.slideAngle / 2 * Math.PI/180;
	rotateSlider.innerRadius = 1 / Math.tan(rotateSlider.halfAngleRad) * rotateSlider.slideWidth / 2;
	rotateSlider.outerRadius = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(rotateSlider.innerRadius + rotateSlider.slideHeight, 2) + (Math.pow((rotateSlider.slideWidth / 2), 2)));
	rotateSlider.upperArcHeight = rotateSlider.outerRadius - (rotateSlider.innerRadius + rotateSlider.slideHeight);
	rotateSlider.lowerArcHeight = rotateSlider.innerRadius - (rotateSlider.innerRadius * (Math.cos(rotateSlider.halfAngleRad)));
	rotateSlider.slideFullWidth = (Math.sin(rotateSlider.halfAngleRad) * rotateSlider.outerRadius) * 2;
	rotateSlider.slideFullHeight = rotateSlider.upperArcHeight + rotateSlider.slideHeight + rotateSlider.lowerArcHeight
	rotateSlider.slideSidePadding = (rotateSlider.slideFullWidth - rotateSlider.slideWidth) / 2;
	rotateSlider.fullArcHeight = rotateSlider.outerRadius - (rotateSlider.outerRadius * (Math.cos(rotateSlider.halfAngleRad)));
	rotateSlider.lowerArcOffset = (rotateSlider.slideFullWidth - (Math.sin(rotateSlider.halfAngleRad) * rotateSlider.innerRadius * 2)) / 2;
	/* Set height and width of slider element */
	rotateSlider.sliderElement.css('height', rotateSlider.slideHeight+'px');
	rotateSlider.sliderElement.css('width', rotateSlider.slideWidth+'px');
	/* Set height and width of slides container and offset width*/
	rotateSlider.slidesContainer.css('height', rotateSlider.outerRadius*2+'px');
	rotateSlider.slidesContainer.css('width', rotateSlider.outerRadius*2+'px');
	/* Offset width and arc height */
	rotateSlider.slidesContainer.css('transform', 'translateX(-50%)');
	rotateSlider.slidesContainer.css('top', '-'+ rotateSlider.upperArcHeight +'px');
	/* Generate path for slide clipping */
	var pathCoords = 'M 0 '+rotateSlider.fullArcHeight;
	pathCoords += ' A '+rotateSlider.outerRadius+' '+rotateSlider.outerRadius+' 0 0 1 '+rotateSlider.slideFullWidth+' '+rotateSlider.fullArcHeight;
	pathCoords += ' L '+(rotateSlider.slideFullWidth-rotateSlider.lowerArcOffset)+' '+rotateSlider.slideFullHeight;
	pathCoords += ' A '+rotateSlider.innerRadius+' '+rotateSlider.innerRadius+' 0 0 0 '+rotateSlider.lowerArcOffset+' '+rotateSlider.slideFullHeight+' Z';
	$('#slideClip').find('path').attr('d', pathCoords);
	/* Apply styles to each slide */
	var i = 0;
		/* Set distance from point of rotation */
		$(this).css('transform-origin', 'center '+(rotateSlider.innerRadius + rotateSlider.slideHeight)+'px');
		/* Set slide Height and Width */
		$(this).css('height', rotateSlider.slideHeight+'px');
		$(this).css('width', rotateSlider.slideWidth+'px');
		/* Set calculated padding for width, upper arc height, and lower arc height */
		$(this).css('padding', rotateSlider.upperArcHeight +'px '+rotateSlider.slideSidePadding+'px '+rotateSlider.lowerArcHeight+'px '+rotateSlider.slideSidePadding+'px ');
		/* Offset container Arc Height */
		$(this).css('top', rotateSlider.upperArcHeight +'px');
		/* Offset Width, then Rotate Slide, then offset individual Top Arcs  */
		$(this).css('transform', 'translateX(-50%) rotate('+rotateSlider.slideAngle * i+'deg) translateY(-'+ rotateSlider.upperArcHeight +'px)');
		/* Add clipping path  */
		$(this).css('-webkit-clip-path', 'url(#slideClip)');
		$(this).css('clip-path', 'url(#slideClip)');
	/* Set Interval to rotate */
	var currentRotation = 0;
	var rotateInterval = window.setInterval(function(){
		currentRotation = currentRotation - rotateSlider.slideAngle;
		rotateSlider.slidesContainer.css('transform', 'translateX(-50%) rotate('+currentRotation+'deg)');
	}, 4000);