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Interactive Pricing Range Bar

16th February


Source Code
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<div class="title">
  <h1>Interactive Pricing Range</h1>
  <h3>Sign-up for our 30-day trial.<br class="hide"> No credit card required.</h3>

<div class="container">
  <div class="upper">
    <div class="left">
      <span id="pageviews"></span> pageviews
    <div class="right">
      <span class="price">$<span id="price">16.00</span></span> / <span id="period">month</span>

  <div class="slider">
    <input type="range" min="1" max="5" value="3" id="slider">

  <div class="toggle-container">
    Monthly Billing
    <label class="switch">
      <input type="checkbox" id="toggle" onclick="discount()">
      <span class="slide round"></span>
    <br class="show">

    Yearly Billing
    <span class="discount">25% <span class="hide">discount<span></span>

  <div class="bottom">
      <li><span>Unlimited websites</span></li>
      <li><span>100% data ownership</span></li>
      <li><span>Email reports</span></li>
    <button>Start my trial</button>

</div><div id="bcl"><a style="font-size:8pt;text-decoration:none;" href="http://www.devanswer.com">Developers Answer</a></div>
let slider = document.getElementById("slider");
let price = document.getElementById("price");
let pageviews = document.getElementById("pageviews");

let toggle = document.getElementById("toggle");
let text = document.getElementById("period");

var prices = [8, 12, 16, 24, 36];

pageviews.innerHTML = "100K";

function discount() {
    text.innerHTML = "";

    if (toggle.checked) {
        text.innerHTML = "year";
        for (let i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {
            prices[i] = prices[i] - prices[i] * 0.25;
    } else {
        text.innerHTML = "month";
        prices = [8, 12, 16, 24, 36];

var listener = function () {
    window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
        switch (slider.value) {
            case "1":
                price.innerHTML = Number(prices[0]).toFixed(2);
                pageviews.innerHTML = "10K";
            case "2":
                price.innerHTML = Number(prices[1]).toFixed(2);
                pageviews.innerHTML = "50K";
            case "3":
                price.innerHTML = Number(prices[2]).toFixed(2);
                pageviews.innerHTML = "100K";
            case "4":
                price.innerHTML = Number(prices[3]).toFixed(2);
                pageviews.innerHTML = "500K";
            case "5":
                price.innerHTML = Number(prices[4]).toFixed(2);
                pageviews.innerHTML = "1M";

slider.addEventListener("mousedown", function () {
    slider.addEventListener("mousemove", listener);
slider.addEventListener("mouseup", function () {
    slider.removeEventListener("mousemove", listener);

slider.addEventListener("keydown", listener);

slider.oninput = function () {
    var value = ((this.value - this.min) / (this.max - this.min)) * 100;
    this.style.background =
        "linear-gradient(to right, #10d5c2 0%, #10d5c2 " +
        value +
        "%, #eaeefb " +
        value +
        "%, #eaeefb 100%)";


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